Our main website ontariofarmlandpreservation.org has two pages of web links -- one is for online newspaper articles of interest, the other for web pages which link to information like solar potential maps, soil maps, government sites & legislative information.
Some of the new links we've just posted~~
One of the problems with The Green Energy Act is that it allows the Ontario Power Authority to “arbitrarily override” democratically elected councillors and mayors to impose energy projects. Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak has vowed to restore veto power to communities over provincial energy projects if his party forms the next government.
This article shows that there could be worse things than putting solar panels over acres of viable farmland -- you could clear-cut a woodlot and drain a wetland to construct a solar farm!! This seems a possibility in Tay Township near Ottawa.
If the experts believe that Northwest Indiana does not have enough sunlight to produce economically viable solar power -- what makes anyone think that we could do it in Canada?
To study that further, you could visit the Photovoltaic potential and solar resource maps of Canada
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